Equipment and modification

Last updated 12 Feb 2025


Support from the Ministry of Health (MOH)

Is it difficult for you to do everyday tasks because of a disability? Or to get in and out of or around your home because of your disability? The Ministry might be able to help you get the equipment and modifications you need to be safe and independent.

The type of modifications the MOH can help fund for your home will depend on your disability-related needs and your situation. 


Disability equipment guides

Check out this useful guide from Firstport to help you buy the right equipment for your needs.


Equipment in Auckland 

AccessAble provides equipment, housing and vehicle modifications for people who have difficulty with everyday tasks due to disability or injury. 

Enable New Zealand can provide the service, but in Auckland, only to disabled people south of Bombay Hills. 

They both provide equipment and services under contract to the Ministry of Health and ACC. 


Accessible properties

Sometimes modifying your home may not be the best or only option for you. Maybe you should consider moving to another home that better suits your needs.

Accessible Properties has housing available for people in need, or on low incomes. As part of the IHC Group, where possible, they prioritise matching people with disabilities with housing that meets their needs.



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