Are you Enrolled?
Every New Zealander who is eligible to vote, must enrol! Enrolment close on 16 August and can be done either by filling out a voting form (libraries have copies) or going online VOTE NZ.
If you miss the cut off day, don’t stress. You can still enrol, go to the website or ring 0800 36 76 56. You can even enrol on the day.
We all know that one size doesn’t fit all. So, there are a number of ways you can have your say this election:
• You can dictate your vote via the phone or have someone support you on the day to cast your vote.
• You can have someone deliver and pick-up your forms if leaving your house is not option.
• These can all be arranged by just phoning VOTE NZ on 0800 36 76 56. You will need to have this set-up prior to Election Day.
This year voting looks a little different. Not only due to COVID-19 but also because there are two referendums which everyone will be voting on.
The electoral office is working on easy to read versions of information on the two referendum choices. The moment this information is available we will be providing these links to you.
For any questions or queries please contact VOTE NZ.