New Ministry for Disabled People


On Friday 29 October 2021, the Government announced that a new Ministry for Disabled People will be created, and that the Enabling Good Lives approach to disability support will be expanded nationwide.

Our community has long called for a new approach to supporting disability, so today's announcement is a product of decades long mahi led by tāngata whaikaha, their families and whānau, the wider disability community in partnership with Government.

At the heart of this change is the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) vision that all disabled people and their whānau can have greater choice and control over their supports and lives.

The new Ministry will be established as a departmental agency hosted by MSD with its own Chief Executive that reports directly to the Minister for Disability Issues.

The new Ministry has been given a mandate to lead a future-focused and whole-of-government approach to disability, with the opportunity to foster a distinct workplace culture and policies that support partnership with and employment of disabled people, families and whānau using a strengths-based approach.

Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni and Minister of Health Andrew Little said that partnership with disabled people and whānau will be a ‘top table’ issue for the new Ministry, a key priority for its leadership team, and a key criterion for assessing its success. This will start with a disabled person and whānau-led governance structure.

The new Ministry will be established from July 2022, and an Establishment Team will be set up.

While this is happening, we will remain focused on serving you, the disability community. Our top priority will be ensuring continuity of services and supports for disabled people and to ensure ongoing transformation of the system. 

To read more about the changes, or to access information in alternative accessible formats, please go the Ministry for Social Development website.