Purchasing rules: the latest updates from Whaikaha 24 April 2024


Published on Whaikaha 24 April 2024


The Purchasing Rules from Whaikaha are frequently updated to address community feedback and provide clarity. The latest updates are on the Whaikaha website. 

If you're wondering how to stay in line with the updates, remember that they are based on four criteria that must be met. We also rely on the criteria to help you develop your support plan:

Rule One - Funding must be used in line with the purpose for which it was allocated i.e. Support is needs-based so people should not be swapping budgets around to get around new changes – personal care is personal care needs; respite is to take a break.

Rule Two – It must support the disabled person to overcome a specific disability-related challenge they experience.

Rule Three – it must be a reasonable and cost-effective way of doing so; and

Rule Four – it must not be something that another government agency has funding responsibility for or is managed and prioritised through Equipment and Modification services (including if the other agency or EMS waitlists or declines to provide the item in this circumstance).

If you have any feedback about the Purchasing Rules or are unsure whether the rules can be applied in a specific scenario, email us at info@taikura.org.nz, and we can ask Whaikaha to clarify it.