Storm debris, household waste, clean up

7 February 2023


Helpful info from Deaf Aotearoa: It is important to clean and dry your house and everything in it. Floodwater may contain sewage and other hazardous materials which can contaminate your home.

Wear protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly after clean-up and before handling food.

If you have insurance, contact them before starting clean up. Take photos and videos of the damage and anything that needs to be thrown – you’ll need these for insurance purposes.

You can find more detailed information on how to safely clean up after a flood, including how to dispose of storm debris, on the Auckland Council website.

Be mindful of manholes, which may have shifted in the flooding. To report a problem with a manhole on public property or catchpit, visit the Auckland Council website or call 09 301 0101.


Storm debris and household waste

  • Private land: storm debris and rubbish that have collected on private land as result of the storm event can be taken to the Waitakere Transfer Station.
  • For household waste & damaged building items from your home or business, contact your insurance company for support.  


Clean up assistance (non urgent)

  • Student Volunteer Army clean up assistance is available citywide. Request help now or contact Kura on Key contact is Kura on 021 029 89189. To register as a clean up volunteer, fill out this form.
  • Aotearoa Muslim Youth New Zealand clean up assistance is available. Contact 022 317 1144.