Types of disability support

Last updated 18 Oct 2024

Disability Support Services

There are several types of disability support in New Zealand you can get. The disability support we can help you access directly are funded by the Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People.

Whaikaha decides who can access these supports, and are normally determined according to the age (below 65 years old) and disability of a person.

Some of the disability supports funded by Whaikaha enable carers to take a break from looking after a loved one, to receive behavioural support for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder or intellectual disabilities, or help with preparing meals and house-cleaning, showering and going to the toilet. 

Types of Whaikaha funded disability support:


Older people support 

In most cases, Te Whatu Ora (formerly District Health Boards/DHBs) fund disability support for older people, including people with disability aged 65 and over, who are assessed as requiring aged residential care. 

If you are aged 65 and over, your GP or family doctor can talk to you about how to access DHB support. This includes mobility and mental health support for older people.

We accept referrals for disabled people below 65 years. 



If your disability is caused by injury or accident, ACC can help. You can contact Way Finders to find out if your injury can be covered by ACC. Or talk to them if you need support with your existing ACC claim. Way Finders provide FREE, impartial, objective and credible advice on how to work with ACC so you can get on with your recovery and rehabilitation.  


Ministry of Social Development 

If you have to stop working because of your disability, or if you're caring for someone with a disability, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) may be able to help. 

Some of the support they provide are:



Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People

Ministry of Health Disability Support Service eligibility

Older people support in Auckland

Older people support in Waitemata

Way Finders for FREE ACC claims support

Ministry of Social Development types of benefits

Keep exploring our Information Hub for other supports you can get through the Ministry of Education, Kainga Ora (housing), on transport, training/work and others. 



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